Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dr Oz: Deeprak Chopra Aging Secrets And Weight Loss Meditation

Dr Oz: Deeprak Chopra Aging Secrets And Weight Loss Meditation
Dr Oz: Deeprak Chopra July 13, 2011

Dr Oz’s Show on July 13, 2011 is known as Deepak Chopra’s Techniques to Reverse Aging. In addition to using a number of the coolest eyeglasses, Deepak Chopra can be an Alternative Health Guru who has plenty of advice on sets from how to reduce the maturing to how to loose weight through meditation. Chopra told Doctor Oz that you have 6 Tastes of Life: Sweet Foods, Sour Foods, Salty Foods, Pungent Foods, Bitter Foods and Astringent Foods. Unfortunately, the American Dishes are all too often dominated by just sweet foods, salty foods and sour foods, which could lessen your metabolism. Instead, you wish to obtain a balanced diet which contains these 6 Tastes of Life. For instance, Pungent Foods include ginger, horseradish, cinnamon and mustard. Bitter Foods are things such as spinach and broccoli. And Astringent Foods would be stuff like figs, mushrooms, lentils and green tea extract. Deepak Chopra also told Dr Oz that individuals should take the following Nutritional Complements every day:

- 1 aspirin (provided that you happen to be 40+ yrs . old)

- 2000 mg fish oil

- 2 multi-vitamins

- 2000 IU Vitamin D3 (and lastly calcium and magnesium go with this)
Dr Oz: Fat loss Meditation

Deepak Chopra also taught Dr Oz how to Meditate to shed pounds in mere 5 minutes. Have you tried this Weight-loss Dr Oz Deepak ChopraMeditation Technique? I sooo want to hear if it worked as a chef for you personally or when you have noticed any other side important things about Chopra’s 5 minute meditation. Please leave a comment below and share your experience if you have tried it out! And if you have not used it yet, get more information at the total specifics of how to perform the meditation: Dr Oz Fat loss Meditation.
Dr Oz: Stinky Tofu, Cuttlefish Ink & Huitlacoche

Dr Oz also did a segment on Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. The listing of foods he spoke about include Stinky Tofu, Huitlacoche and Cuttlefish Ink. Stinky Tofu arises from Taiwan and apparently posseses an awful smell, yet it's very high in protein. Huitlacoche emanates from Mexico and is sometimes called Corn Smut, because it is a fungus that grows on corn. Huitlacoche is recognized to strengthen bones and help fight off infections. The final Bizarre Your meals are Cuttlefish Ink, which comes from Greece and it has properties to fight off and stop Cancer.